You enter a dimly lit room. In front of you a small cube on a pedestal. This room is a space-time portal.
If you move the cube and change the face you move to another world or another dimension. In each new universe things happen. You decide whether to stay or go somewhere else. There is no turning back. If you leave, you miss out on what happens where you currently are ….. Sometimes a lot of things happen, sometimes not, it all depends on the world you are in…
Cubus is an interactive multimedia installation, a scenic toy for family audiences.
Dramaturgical approach.
Cubus was born from a process of research into the possibilities that emerging technologies offer in a dramaturgical context.
Cubus tries to answer the following question: Can we build a dramaturgical framework that allows the spectator to choose and shape the show he/she is watching?
Cubus is a technical-dramatic show based on the empowerment of the spectator that suggests a wide range of research on the relationship between the spectator and the artist.
Original idea, creation and artistic direction: Andrés Beladiez.
Musical composition and sound space: Alberto Sanz and Andrés Beladiez.
Lighting design: Andrés Beladiez.
Typography design of the cube: Belén Morata.
Scenographic construction: Mamen Rodrigo
Production: Mamen Rodrigo
Made with: Unreal engine 5.4 and Ableton live